Invitation to Intuitive Processing...(a new workshop!)
I love teaching writing workshops, and have not been able to do so because of long haul COVID, but now that I have a draft, however...
Invitation to Intuitive Processing...(a new workshop!)
Still Here...
Life is not a victory march: on becoming 60
Back in my Soul Home on my Autiversary!
Happy New Year!
You are invited to the Virtual Writers' Café!
Live reading of Respairation or you have to unmute yourself!
The Mortality Shot has landed, let's celebrate!
It's All Happening...
Still No Words
The Mortality Shot and A Paradigm Shift
Happy Spring Equinox (*in Northern Hemisphere)!
Happy New Year! All of you is welcome here.
How Yoga, PTSD, & a Friend led to my autism diagnosis
One year COVIDversary
Happy New Year!
Inwood Writing Workshop News & Healing News
Failing resiliency
Choice and consequences: COVID, class & the myth of romanticized vulnerability